The Venice Neighborhood Council Land Use and Planning Committee will meet from 6:45pm- 10pm at the Oakwood Recreation Center at 767 California Avenue this evening.
The cases to be heard are:
1. (7-8pm): The Firestone-Walker restaurant/ brewery/ retail store project at 3223 Washington (at Lincoln). Click here to read the report files.
2. (8-9pm): 1033 Abbot Kinney, Hotel Project. Click here to read the report files. Click here to read a letter to the community from the developer.
Rendering: proposed Hotel as seen from Abbot Kinney
3. (9-10pm): 1414 Main St., Mixed Use Project (Presentation and discussion only, no motion will be made). Click here to read the report files.
Rendering: proposed large mixed use development at 1414 Main Street
Rendering: proposed large mixed use development at 1414 Main Street
Venice Neighborhood Council Land Use and Planning Committee
Wednesday, December 18th, 2013.
6:45pm- 10pm at the Oakwood Recreation Center
[…] Condos (Existent community discussion) 2. 3223 Washington, Firestone Walker Brew/Pub Restaurant (Existent community discussion) 3. 1033 AK, Mixed Use Hotel Project (Existent community discussion) 4. 758 Sunset Ave, Small Lot […]