February 10, 2025 #1 Local News, Forum, Information and Event Source for Venice Beach, California.

VNC Board to Address Zip-line Tomorrow!

The Venice Neighborhood Council will discuss and possibly take a vote on the proposed Venice Zip-line tomorrow evening at their board meeting starting at 7pm. The entire agenda is “after the jump”.

Proposed Venice Beach ZiplineClick on photo to enlarge

Board of Officer Meeting Agenda
Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order and Roll Call (7:00PM – 5 minutes)
A The meeting is called to order in memory of Nathan Benderson, father of Bob Benderson and Jack Wright, husband of Liz Wright, VNC Elections Co-chair.

B Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to outgoing LUPC member and former VNC Board member, Susan Papadakis

2. Approval of the Agenda (7:05PM – 5 minutes)

3. Approval of Outstanding Board Minutes (7:10PM – 5 minutes)

4. New Business (7:20)
[Discussion and possible action.]

A Zip Line Proposal for Venice Beach, (60 minutes) Amanda Seward, Matt Kline,
co-chairs, on behalf of the VNC Visitor Impact Committee (amanda.seward@venicenc.org,

Project: http://yousend.it/JqbhAV

Presentation: 20 Minutes
Public Comment: 20 Minutes
Board Discussion and possible action: 20 Minutes

MOTION: Whereas, the Venice Neighborhood Council (the VNC) welcomes the
recent decision to place on hold plans to negotiate a contract for the installation of
the “Great Observation Wheel” on Venice beach; and

Whereas, the VNC recognizes the need for the City of Los Angeles Department of
Recreation and Parks to generate additional revenues to adequately maintain the
Venice Beach Park; and

Whereas, the proposed Greenheart/Flightlinez zipline attraction is perceived to be
compatible with the historical values and vision of Venice Beach, due to the cultural
live performances and experimental educational programs that will be a part of this

Therefore, be it resolved, the Venice Neighborhood Council (the VNC) recommends
the installation of the Greenheart/Flightlinez (the Operator) zipline attraction with
the following conditions:

1. The permit issued to allow the attraction be for a trial period of not more than three
months in 2012 and that at the end of the trial period, the attraction shall be
2. At the end of the trial period, any permanent installation shall be subject to
environmental review by the City of Los Angeles and the California Coastal
Commission and to input from the VNC and the community regarding the impact
on the community, including without limitation, the noise impact, parking, visual
blight, whether appropriate security and safety considerations have been met, how
the company has handled crowd control, and revenue earned;
3. Night-time lighting, except for special performances, shall be confined to the
minimum required for proper security;
4. Night-time security shall be provided by a minimum of two people at all times;
5. The Operator offers the live artistic performances and juggling, aerial aerobatic,
and hooping and other classes and workshops for children contemplated in
addition to the open public attraction and that financial packages are available for
at risk minors that make it feasible for them to participate in the classes and
6. At least 2/3rds of gross revenue paid to the City by the Operator shall be spent by
the Department of Recreation and Parks for maintenance of and enhanced
services at Venice Beach in addition to previously budgeted items, such that no
funds currently budgeted by the Department of Recreation and Parks for such
maintenance and services shall be replaced by this revenue and that a separate
account be established to track both the revenue generated by the City from the
zipline attraction and the expenses paid from that revenue to better assure
enhanced spending to improve maintenance and other services in the Venice
Beach community;
7. The VNC (and through the VNC, the community of Venice) shall have “meaningful
consultation” rights with the Department of Recreation and Parks regarding the
maintenance and services specified in condition 6 above;
8. The Operator shall reduce the parking impact of the attraction by offering
incentives to encourage non-vehicular and public transportation customers;
9. The Operator offer incentives, including discounts and other incentives to assure
access by Venice residents and families;
10. No “for profit” or commercial signage shall be allowed on any part of the attraction;
11. The Operator, with the assistance of the VNC Arts Committee, shall invite local
artists to dress the towers;
12. The zipline attraction does not displace regularly scheduled events;
13. The Operator hosts once a month benefits for Venice based nonprofits and non-
profit organizations that serve the Venice community;
14. The Operator, the Department of Recreation and Parks, LA City Council District 11,
the VNC and community members shall meet monthly to review attraction
operations and Venice Beach maintenance and services as mentioned in condition
6 above; and take corrective action should any of the above conditions not be met
and/or other problems arise;
15. The “Great Observation Wheel” proposal for installation at Venice Beach shall be
permanently rejected in favor of a location elsewhere in the City where it might
generate community support.

5. Scheduled Announcements (8:25PM –20 minutes)
[No discussion or Public Comment]

A PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) (3 minutes) Update on Councilman
Rosendahl’s Roadmap to Homes Program, Joel Roberts, Joel.Roberts@epath.org),
Tomasz Babiszkiewicz (tomaszb@epath.org); This report includes statistics on the
number of people placed in permanent and temporary housing as well as the numbers of
people in process.

B Public Safety – LAPD Report (10 minutes): Lt. Paola Kreeft, Venice
Beach Detail; Senior Lead Officers Peggy Thusing/Theresa Skinner/Gregg
Jacobus, (310-622-3968; 25120@lapd.lacity.org, 35162@lapd.lacity.org,
31142@lapd.lacity.org). This report includes crime reports, updates on the status
enforcement of the OFW Vending ordinance (LAMC 42.15) and outcomes of enforcement
in Venice in general and of rulesregarding the closure of Ocean Front Walk from Midnight
to 5 a.m.

C Status Update on VNC Community Improvement Projects (2 minutes) Ivan Spiegel,
Parliamentarian and CIP Program Administrator, Parliamentarian@Venicenc.org

D Governmental Reports (8:45PM – 20 minutes)
● U.S. Congress Representative Janice Hahn, Deputy Natalie Rodgers,
(Natalie.Rodgers@mail.house.gov) 310-831-1799
● State Senator Ted Lieu, Representative, Veronica Zendejas
(Veronica.Zendejas@sen.ca.gov) 310-318-6994
● State Assemblyperson Betsy Butler, Representative, Stephanie Romero,
Stephanie.Romero@asm.gov 310-615-3515
● LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky,
● Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; Joseph Hari, West Area Representative
(Joseph.Hari@lacity.org) 310-479-3823
● Los Angeles County Beaches and Harbors Department, Ken Foreman, Facilites and
Property Maintenance Divison Chief, KForeman@bh.lacounty.gov, 310.305.9559
Report on “Summer at Venice Beach” plan with topics including Washington St. Lot;
possible cooperative beach parking efforts, beach maintenance (lots, sand, underground
restroom) and other issues affecting Venice.
● City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl: Cecilia Castillo, Field Deputy (310-568-8772);
(Cecilia.castillo@lacity.org); Arturo Pina, District Director (Arturo.Pina@lacity.org)

6. Old Business (9:15 — 30 minutes)
[Discussion and possible Action]

A Closing Nominations for Board Community Officer Seat (5 Minutes)


Benjamin Ballentine
Mark Rojas
Tom Sauer

B Closing Nomination for LUPC Seat and possible selection


Michael Jensen
Mehrnoosh Mojallali

C Report from Election Committee and update on LA City Council Decisions on 2012
Neighborhood Council Elections

7. Land Use and Planning Committee Motions (9:45 – 30 minutes)
[Discussion and possible action]

A 1319 S ABBOT KINNEY BLVD 90291; APCW-2011-1152-SPE-CDP-SPP-MEL E Jake
Kaufman on behalf of the Land Use and Planning Committee chair-lupc@venicenc.org
MOTION : The Venice Neighborhood Council supports DENIAL of the project for the
following reasons:
a. The property is currently in violation of code and this is to correct the
violation. Order to comply was issued on November 15, 2007 and has remained out
of compliance ever since.
b. Do not support a variance or exception to the VCZSP because there is no
hardship to the property, it was simply to increase square footage of the retail

c. Do not want the ADA (Handicap) parking space removed, under any
d. $18,000 in lieu of fee should only be for BIZ parking (per VCZSP), not for any
or all parking spaces needed.
e. Rent has been generated on these (removed) parking spaces. The Community
has had to incur the burden of public parking because of this rented space and
should be given back or repaid back to the Community (est $5/sqft for 4 years is
roughly $200,000) before any permits are issued and, any additional rent received
should continue to accrue and given to the Community until the spaces are
f. Required on-site parking must physically be within 750sqft. of the property.

The property currently rented by Mystic Journey Bookstore converted their required
parking into retail space. They were told to come into compliance in 2007. They filed to
convert the parking.

8. Treasurers Report (10:15 – 10 minutes); Hugh Harrison (Treasurer@Venicenc.org)
[Discussion and possible action to approve financial statements and expenditures]

A MOTION: The VNC Board approves the attached report on expenditures for the period
March 22, 2012, through April 21, 2012, and the itemized purchase card invoice.

B Approval of Reallocated Budget [EXHIBIT C]

MOTION: The VNC Board approves the following amendments to the 2011-2012
VNC budget:

Budget Committee vote: 4-0-0

9. VNC Announcements (10:25 –10 Minutes)

● President: Linda Lucks (president@venicenc.org)
A VNC Board Retreat/NewWeb Training @ The Canal Club or other Venice venue on
Saturday, June 16 from 1-5pm. Appointment of Mindy Meyer to chair the VNC BBQ
Committee and Mariana Aguilar, chair of the Great Venice NC Toy Drive
● Vice President Marc Saltzberg (Vicepresident@Venicenc.org)
● LA Alliance of NC’s Representative: Ivan Spiegel, (parliamentarian@venicenc.org)
● Plancheck NC: VNC Rep Challis Macpherson (Challis.Macpherson@Verizon.net)

● LA Dept of Water & Power/Memoranda of Understanding: VNC Rep DeDe Audet
● LAPD Community Police Advisory Board: Daffodil Tyminski
(Daffodil.Tyminski@Venicenc.org) , Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe, (hippisley@earthlink.net)
● Westside Alliance of Neighborhood Councils- Mike Newhouse, President, Marc
Saltzberg , VNC Representatives. Chair@westsidecouncils.org,

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[20 minutes, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

10. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction
(5 min, no more than 1 minute per person]

11. Adjourn (approx. 11:00)

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