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VNC Board Meeting Agenda: 4-17-12

From The Venice Neighborhood Council


The proposed “Great Observation Wheel” will be discussed at the next Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting on April 17, 2012. The “Great Observation Wheel” is a proposed 200 foot tall Ferris wheel that would be installed at the end of Windward in the Venice Beach Park. The operator, Great City Attractions, will present their concept for the observation wheel at the VNC’s regular board meeting, to be held in the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd. in Venice starting at 7PM.

The proposal has attracted national publicity; it would be the first of its kind in the United States. Great City Attractions has several of their wheels in operation around the world; information about them can be found on the internet at www.greatcityattractions.com.

Great City Attractions is currently negotiating with the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks to decide the terms of a requested 3 year permit (with options to extend) to install and operate the giant Ferris wheel. Because details of the project are not yet known and because the project is complex and controversial, the presentation and the following Q&A with stakeholders and VNC Board will be for discussion only. A vote to recommend or reject the project will be held at a future meeting.

In other business, the Board will vote on two project recommendations brought by its Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC). Both projects are for small lot subdivision and LUPC has recommended that both proposals be rejected. One of the projects is a 12 lot small lot subdivision development proposed for 522 Venice Blvd. (at the intersection of Venice, Ocean and Mildred). The other is for a 4 lot small lot subdivision development, proposed for 729 California Ave.

The Board will also select a new Outreach Officer at the meeting. Two individuals have been nominated to fill the vacancy: current VNC Board Member Matt Kline and Jeffrey Harris, a paralegal who has worked as “Community Outreach Liaison” on a real estate project team that developed property in Venice.

Snacks and coffee will be provided at the meeting.

A detailed agenda will be posted on the internet at www.VeniceNC.org and at posting places in the community.

There is no charge for this event. It is open to the public. Comments are encouraged.

What: Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Where: 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice CA 90291 (enter from Westminster)
When: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM
Questions: Outreach@VeniceNC.org or 310-421-8627

Board of Officer Meeting Agenda
Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order and Roll Call (7:00PM – 5 minutes) Meeting called to order in memory of Peter Douglas, longtime executive Director and spirit of the California Coastal Commission and in celebration of the marriage of Jessica Koslow and Aron (Dov) Rudnick. Also called to order to congratulate Gary Walker, Argonaut reporter for being nominated for two prizes for his articles on Educatrion

2. Approval of the Agenda (7:05PM – 5 minutes)

3. Approval of Outstanding Board Minutes (7:10PM – 5 minutes)

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

4. Consent Calendar (7:20PM – 5 minutes) [No discussion or Public Comment. Items may be removed and it will go to the end of the agenda]

A “Gateway to the Arts” Project Cynthia Rogers on behalf of the Arts Committee
cynthia.rogers@veniceNC.org [EXHIBIT A]

MOTION: In order to further the Venice Neighborhood Council’s mission to support and maintain the artistic community of Venice, the VNC Board approves support, in principal, for a project proposed by Pacific Resident Theater to create an installation at or near the intersection of Venice Blvd. and Lincoln Blvd., tentatively entitled “Gateway to the Arts”.
The project will brand Venice Beach as an artistic community by way of welcoming visitors into the community with an artistic installation serving to beautify the area in and around Venice and Lincoln, a major thoroughfare into our community.

B Venice Canals Maintenance and Repair Marc Saltzberg on behalf of the
Neighborhood Committee mas_marina@yahoo.com [EXHIBIT B]

MOTION : The Venice Neighborhood Council requests the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services do the repairs as outlined in the report from the Bureau of Engineering, as well as any other repairs the Bureau of Street Services deems necessary for the safety and protection of the bridges and pedestrians who use them, including, but not limited to the resurfacing of the bridge treads with non-skid coating on all nine Canal walk bridges, and

C Reopen Application period for 2012-2013 Community Improvement Projects

MOTION: Whereas the deadline for submitting Applications for 2012-2013 Community Improvement Project has passed, and

Whereas a very small number of applications have been received.

BE IT RESOLVED that the VNC Board agrees to reopen and extend the application period until May 11, 2012.

5. Scheduled Announcements (7:25PM – minutes) [No discussion or Public Comment]

A PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) (3 minutes) Update on Councilman
Rosendahl’s Roadmap to Homes Program, Joel Roberts, Joel.Roberts@epath.org), Tomasz Babiszkiewicz (tomaszb@epath.org); This report includes statistics on the number of people placed in permanent and temporary housing as well as the numbers of people in process.

B Public Safety – LAPD Report (10 minutes): Lt. Paola Kreeft, Venice
Beach Detail; Senior Lead Officers Peggy Thusing/Theresa Skinner/Gregg
Jacobus, (310-622-3968; 25120@lapd.lacity.org, 35162@lapd.lacity.org, 31142@lapd.lacity.org). This report includes crime reports, updates on the status enforcement of the OFW Vending ordinance (LAMC 42.15) and new rules regarding the closure of Ocean Front Walk from Midnight to 5 a.m.

C Announcement of Emergency Preparedness Mini- Expo- Saturday, May 12, 10 a.m.-2
Safety Committee. Daffodil.Tyminski@Venicenc.org, Hippisley@Earthlink.net

D Status Update on VNC Community Improvement Projects 2012- Ivan Spiegel, Parliamentarian and CIP Program Administrator, Parliamentarian@Venicenc.org

E Governmental Reports (10 Minutes)
● U.S. Congress Representative Janice Hahn, Deputy Natalie Rodgers, (Natalie.Rodgers@mail.house.gov) 310-831-1799
● State Senator Ted Lieu, Representative, Veronica Zendejas (Veronica.Zendejas@sen.ca.gov) 310-318-6994
● State Assemblyperson Betsy Butler, Representative, Stephanie Romero, Stephanie.Romero@asm.gov 310-615-3515
● LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, 213-974-3333
● Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; Joseph Hari, West Area Representative (Joseph.Hari@lacity.org) 310-479-3823
● City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Cecilia Castillo, Field Deputy (310-568-8772); (Cecilia.castillo@lacity.org); Arturo Pina, District Director (Arturo.Pina@lacity.org)

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

6. Old Business (8:50 — 20 minutes)
[Discussion and possible Action]

A Election to fill Board Community Outreach Officer Seat (10 Minutes) [EXHIBIT C]

Outreach Officer Jeffrey Harris
Matt Kline (matt.kline@Venicenc.org)

B VNC Post Office Task Update Amanda Seward, Chair, VNC Post Office Task Force

7. Land Use and Planning Committee Motions (9:10 — 90 minutes)
[Discussion and possible action]
A 522 Venice Blvd, “Unnamed Project” Jake Kaufman on behalf of LUPC (chair-
lupc@venicenc.org) [EXHIBIT D]
ENV-2009-2489-EAF & VTT-70870

Staff, Sarah Dennison
Applicant, LEN JUDAKEN (310) 838-4818

MOTION: The VNC denies the 12 lot Small Lot Sub Division each with a single family dwelling project as presented, and noting:
1. The total density of the lot exceeds the Venice Specific Plan Section 10.G.2.a.(2) by applying the Density in Residential Zones section of the Venice Specific Plan, which the VNC has opposed in the past.
2. It does not comply with the landscape plan for Venice Blvd and Ocean. The project requires the sale to the applicant of public land currently planned for a landscape plan Venice Blvd and where a grant and public matching money have been raised to develop this public park on the corner of Venice, Ocean and Mildred.
3. The roof top structure(s) each exceeds the 100 sq ft limit in the Venice Specific Plan.
4. The Unit Lot 12’s is creating a “Reverse Corner Lot” where the side lot and back lot creating zero set back condition as the front yard would not be on Ocean or Mild
Motion made by Sarah Dennison motion; Seconded by Jay Goldberg.
6-0, passed

B 739 California Ave, “Unnamed Project” Jake Kaufman on behalf of LUPC
(chair-lupc@venicenc.org) [EXHIBIT E]

AA-2011-3026-PMLA-SL-SPP & ENV-2011-3027-MND
Staff, Robert Aronson Robert.Aaronson@venicenc.org,
Applicant., Bruce Nahid 310-408-8096

MOTION: The VNC denies this project as proposed for the following reasons:
1) The project as designed does not create a high quality environment for all the residents.
2) The project does not contain an affordable unit as is required by the VCZSP.
3) The project has 4 units instead of the allowable 2 and are not proposing a 3 units where one is affordable as required by the VCZSP.
4) If the VCZSP allowed four units on this lot, it would require 9 parking spaces, including one guest parking space. The proposed project includes 8 parking spaces and no guest parking space.
5) The project violates the VCZSP because it does not comply with the density, parking and affordable housing requirements of the VCZSP.
6) The project also violates the VCZSP because it is not compatible in character with the density and mass of the neighborhood.
7) The project ignores the prevailing set back in the neighborhood as specified by the Small Lot Sub division guidelines.
8) The project does not mesh well with the existing neighborhood context
9) The project does not enhance the public realm.
10) Where there is a lot area that would allow the additional units 64% of the lots have applied for additional units resulting in the cumulative increase in density of 41%.
Motion was made by Jory Tremblay, Seconded by John Reed Passed 6-1

8. New Business (10:40 — 65 minutes)
[Discussion and possible action.]

A Presentation and Discussion of Proposal to Install A Great Observation Wheel for
Venice Beach (45 minutes) Nigel
Ward, Head of Global Site Development on behalf of Great City Attractions Global Limited, Brian Regan, LA City Recreation and Parks Department nigel.ward@greatcityattractions.com, brian.regan@lacity.org (Discussion only)
Great City Attractions proposes to install a Great Observation Wheel, a temporary structure, on Windward Plaza, in cooperation with the City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Dept. Great City Attractions has installed similar wheels is historic and environmentally sensitive urban environments around the world.

B VNC Visitor Impact Ad-Hoc Committee Amanda Seward and Matt Kline, Co-chairs,
on behalf of the Visitor Impact Ad Hoc Committee, Amandaseward@artvista.net, Matthew.Kline@Venicenc.org

C Formation of an Ad Hoc VNC Discussion Forum Committee – on behalf of the VNC
Adminstrative Committee, adcom@Venicenc.org
MOTION : The VNC Board approves the formation of an Ad Hoc Discussion Forum Committee with the following Mission Statement as approved by the Administrative Committee: The Discussion Forum Committee shall provide a monthly forum for discussion of long-term matters affecting the Venice Community within the context of the Standing Rule 20 VNC Vision Goals adopted by the Board on April 21, 2009. The Committee shall expire one year after the creation date or at the seating of a new Board, whichever is shorter.

D Jumpstart UCLA Literacy Fair, Saturday, May 12 – Ayla Stern on behalf of Jumpstart at
UCLA astern@college.ucla.edu

MOTION: The VNC Board supports the Jumpstart UCLA Literacy Fair and shall include info in their electronic newsletter or other means of communication so that community members can benefit from this fun, family friendly resource fair.

9. Treasurers Report (11:55 – 10 minutes); Hugh Harrison (Treasurer@Venicenc.org)
[Discussion and possible action to approve financial statements and expenditures]

A MOTION: The VNC Board approves the attached report on expenditures for the period February 22, 2012, through March 21, 2012, and the itemized purchase card invoice.

B Approval of Reallocated Budget [EXHIBIT G]
MOTION: Whereas the Board is required to identify funds from the 2011-2012 fiscal year to be encumbered for expenditure for election outreach during the 2012-2013 fiscal year, and as certain budget items have proven to be either over or under funded, it is moved that the VNC Board approve the draft reallocated budget at set forth in Exhibit F.

Budget Committee vote: 5-0-0

C Cut-off Date Of Allocated Funds

MOTION: Whereas DONE has strict budgetary cut-offs, and as there is no authority to roll funds over to the next fiscal year except for election outreach, it is moved that any approved funds not spent by May 1, 2012, are subject to loss and reallocation for other expenses. 2011-2012 CIP funds must be spent by May 16. Budget Committee vote: 5-0-0

D Public Safety Committee Mini Emergency Preparedness Expo Nicolas
Hippisley-Coxe/Daffodil Tyminski on behalf of the Public Safety Committee Nicolas.Hippisley-Coxe@VeniceNC.org, Daffodil.Tyminski@Venicenc.org

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council approves the sponsorship of a Mini Emergency Preparedness Expo on Saturday, May 12, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Venice Library and approves an expenditure of up to $200 for the promotion and successful fulfillment of this highly beneficial local project.

E Encumbrance Of Funds for VNC Elections Brennan Lindner on behalf of the Outreach Committee brennan.lindner@venicenc.org

MOTION : The Venice Neighborhood Council (“VNC”) Outreach Committee recommends
that the VNC encumber $5,300 in funds for use in the upcoming VNC election as follows:
• $3,800 for the publication and circulation of a VNC newsletter devoted to the
VNC election and the VNC election process. Potential vendors are Dynamic Graphics, Valley Printers and the Walking Man.;
• $650 for the purchase of advertisements in one or more of the following publications:the Argonaut, Free Venice Beachhead, Venice Patch, Venice Paparazzi, Open Venice, Abbot Kinney First Fridays, Oxford Triangle, Walk Street Association, President’s Row Association; Yo! Venice!, Spirit of Venice, Wave Crest Neighbors, Park Avenue Neighbors, Open Venice, Abbot Kinney Festival, Google, or Facebook regarding the VNC election and the VNC election process;
• $300 for the purchase of paper fliers from Sharp Dots to publicize the VNC
election and the VNC election process;
• $550 for other outreach purposes with respect to the VNC election, to be spent at the discretion of the VNC Outreach Committee, which may include online advertisements regarding the VNC election and the VNC election process, posters publicizing the VNC election and the VNC election process to hang in businesses throughout Venice, or a vinyl banner to hang at the location of the VNC election stating that Neighborhood Council Elections are being held here. Potential vendors include those listed above and Office Depot, SignTest, Bytops Sign, and Control Printing.

Subsequently approved by the Budget Committee 5-0 April 3, 2012

10. VNC Announcements (11:45 —10 Minutes)
● President: Linda Lucks (president@venicenc.org)
A Choose date for a May VNC Board Combo Retreat/Board Web Training :at The Canal Club or other Venice venue.
B.Update on LA City Council Decisions on 2012 Neighborhood Council Elections.
C Congratulations to Gary Walker, reporter for The Argonaut Newspaper for being nominated for two awards from the for investigative reporting on education.
● Vice President Marc Saltzberg (Vicepresident@Venicenc.org)
● LA Alliance of NC’s Representative: Ivan Spiegel, (parliamentarian@venicenc.org)
● Plancheck NC: VNC Rep Challis Macpherson (Challis.Macpherson@Verizon.net)
● LA Dept of Water & Power/Memoranda of Understanding: VNC Rep DeDe Audet (daudet@ca.rr.com)
● LAPD Community Police Advisory Board: Daffodil Tyminski (Daffodil.Tyminski@Venicenc.org) , Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe, (hippisley@earthlink.net)
● Westside Alliance of Neighborhood Councils- Mike Newhouse, President, Marc Saltzberg , VNC Representatives. Chair@westsidecouncils.org, VicePresident@Venicenc.org,

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[20 minutes, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

11. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction
(12:05 – 5 min, no more than 1 minute per person]

12. Adjourn (approx. 12:10 AM)

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