Oct 13 Thursday – Funky About Food 6:30 PM
What’s Eating You In Your Relationship with Food? Join registered dietician and nutrition therapist, Lynn Penrose, for a discussion about food behaviors and how you can begin eating in a way that allows more peace of mind.
Oct 18 Tuesday – Back to School Open House 6:00 PM
Stop by the Library to learn about and see demonstrations about our educational resources (homework center, e-media, databases). Representatives from local schools will also be participating in our e-commons open house. Learn about our Homework Center M/W 3-5 and T/TH 330-530
Oct 20 Thursday – Photoshop Transfer 4:00 PM
Photoshop Transfer
Create a beautiful piece of art from your favorite photograph, taking the image from paper to canvas. All participants need to bring a toner-based photocopy of their favorite photograph 5×7. Ages 11 and older.
Oct 22 Saturday- Yoga for Kids 4:00 PM
Yoga for Kids
Grab your towel/mat and come practice yoga with Stephanie Avedon at the Venice Library. Ages 5 and up. Please sign up at Reference. Parents welcome.
Oct 25 Tuesday – Book Club 6:30 PM
The Venice Book Club meets for their selection of the month. Please call the library at 310-821-1769 to find out the current title. Light refreshments served. This month’s selection is Mudbound by Hillary Jordan.
Oct 26 Wednesday – Teen Council 4:00 PM
Teen Council
Voice your opinions about Teen’Scape! Have a say about what materials and programs the library offers to teens.
Venice – Abbot Kinney Memorial Branch Library
501 S. Venice Boulevard