October 9, 2024 #1 Local News, Forum, Information and Event Source for Venice Beach, California.

VNC: Advertisements in Venice Beach Parks

This evening starting at 7pm, the Venice Neighborhood Council will decide on a motion to oppose the LA Park Foundation’s plan to allow signage in City Parks, hear an update on the Vera Davis McClendon Youth and Family Center and also hear presentations of proposed 2011-2012 community improvement projects.

community improvement projects

Click here to read the list of applications which are being considered for community improvement projects. There are 18 applications seeking a maximum award of $2000 each. The full schedule for the meeting is “after the jump”

VNC Meeting May 24th, 2011. 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Westminster Elementary School Auditorium
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd (enter from Westminster)
Venice, CA 90292

VNC Board Meeting Agenda
Submitted by joedmurphyvnc on Wed, 01/05/2011 – 10:03pm.
Start: 05/24/2011 – 7:00pm
End: 05/24/2011 – 9:30pm

Westminster Elementary School Auditorium
1010 Abbot Kinney Boulevard
Venice, CA, 90291

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Approval of Outstanding Board Minutes
April 26th, 2011 Draft Board Meeting Minutes

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda [5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]
4. LAPD Report (5 minutes): Senior Lead Officers Peggy Thusing/Theresa Skinner/Gregg Jacobus, (310- 622-3968; 25120@lapd.lacity.org, 35162@lapd.lacity.org, 31142@lapd.lacity.org)

5. Consent Calendar (No discussion or Public Comment. Any item may be removed and it will go to the end of the agenda)

A. Motion regarding removal of 38 trees on the four corners of Venice Blvd and Abbot Kinney; Jim Murez on behalf of LUPC (murez@murez.net) See Exhibit A

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council does not want the 38 trees removed or replaced and would like for DWP to implement options to A. reconfigure overhead wires or B. underground all services.

B. Motion to Keep Name of Vera Davis McClendon Centerhe Same; Mariana Aguilar (mla5@cornell.edu) See Exhibit B
MOTION: WHEREAS, Vera Davis McClendon was an important community activist in Venice, and the surrounding area, having served as the director of the Venice Neighborhood Adult Participation Project center, having formed the Low Income and Elderly United Community Assistance Program, and having built relationships that still serve to support the center today;
WHEREAS, the youth and family center located at 610 California Avenue was named after Vera Davis McClendon to commemorate her contributions to Venice;
WHEREAS, the Vera Davis McClendon Youth and Family Center may soon be housed in another city department or run by a private organization;
The Venice Neighborhood Council supports keeping the name of the Vera Davis McClendon Youth and Family Center the same, in perpetuity.
C. Letter Thanking City Council for Santa Monica Airport Resolution; Amanda Seward on behalf of the Santa Monica Airport Committee (amandaseward@artvista.net) See Exhibit C

MOTION: Approval of Letter from VNC thanking the Los Angeles City Council for unanimously voting to adopt the Santa Monica Airport Resolution – #11-0002-S28, which directed the City to include in its 2011-2012 Federal Legislative Program support for legislation or administrative action that would alter the departure path at Santa Monica Airport (SMO) to enhance safety and reduce air pollution and close the flight schools at SMO.
(Approved by VNC Santa Monica Airport Committee 4-27-11

D. Pilot Program to Protect, Preserve, and Promote Mural Art; Clark McCutchen on behalf of the Arts Committee (clark.mccutchenlaw@veniceNC.org) See Exhibit D

MOTION: The VNC request that Councilman Rosendahl introduce a motion to the City Council instructing the Planning Department, in coordination with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the City Attorney; to prepare an ordinance to define murals as something other than signs and establish a city wide program for permitting murals in the City of Los Angeles.

E. Adoption of a petition for use in generating support for the Santa Monica Airport issues; Laura Silagi on behalf of the Santa Monica Airport Committee (lrsilagi@gmail.com)

MOTION: The VNC supports a petition to:
1.Close flight Schools at Santa Monica Airport that use leaded fuel and fly constantly over our neighborhoods and pose a safety risk for those on the ground.
2.Have all aircrafts departing the Airport fly to the North instead of the South, including any pattern operations.
3.Stop the use of leaded fuel in propeller planes flying out of the Airport.
4.Ban jets due to air pollution, noise and the threat of a catastrophic crash.

6. Old Business
[Discussion and possible action regarding the following matters]

A. Bylaws Approval (20 minutes); Ivan Spiegel on behalf of the Bylaws Task Force (parliamentarian@venicenc.org) Exhibit E

MOTION: The VNC Board approves the revised bylaws as submitted by the Bylaws Task Force.

B Standing Rule regarding a records retention policy (5 Minutes); Ira Koslow on behalf of the Rules and Election Committee (ira.koslow@venicenc.org)

MOTION: The VNC Board shall create the following Standing Rule:
The VNC will keep all VNC business records, including recorded minutes of meetings for a period of five years and, thereafter, all VNC business records may be destroyed.
(Adopted unanimously by REC 03/02/2011)

7. Approval of Community Improvement Projects (60 Minutes); Carolyn Rios on behalf of the Neighborhood Committee (crlynrios@ca.rr.com) Applications available on www.Venicenc.org website) Exhibit F

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council Board of Officers approves the rankings and funding amounts of the 2011-2012 Community Improvement Projects as submitted by the Neighborhood Committee.

8. Update from Arturo Pina (10 minutes); (Arturo.Pina@lacity.org) of CD 11 regarding the status of the Vera Davis McClendon Youth and Family Center, 610 California Avenue, Venice.

9. LUPC Motions
[Discussion and possible action regarding the following matters]

A. Danny’s at 23 Windward Ave. DIR-2000-3597-RV-PA-3 (20 minutes); Jake Kaufman, LUPC Chair on behalf of LUPC (Chair LUPC@VeniceNC.org) Exhibit G

MOTION: Approve the project noting: Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 and per Condition #7 of Case No. DIR 2000- 3597-RV-PA2, the applicant is filing a Plan Approval application to show compliance with the conditions drafted in the aforementioned case and to remove the Revocation, and;

Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 M, the applicant is requesting an expansion of hours of operation from 11:00 am – 2:00 am, daily, and;

Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code, § 12.24 W1, the applicant is requesting the sales and consumption of an existing Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control [Type 47] full line of alcoholic beverages license #372987 in conjunction with a 500 sq. ft. revocable patio for sidewalk dining, having 24 seats and hours of outdoor seating permitted from 11:00 am – 2:00am daily; as we do not feel this establishment should not have more restrictive conditions than it’s neighbors.

The applicant will conform to all parking requirements and make all efforts to provide bike racks. (Approved by LUPC 5-0-1)

10. Treasurers Report (10 minutes); Hugh Harrison Exhibit H
[Discussion and possible action to approve financial statements and expenditures]

A. MOTION: The VNC approves the expenditure reports for the period March 22, 2011 through April 21, 2011.

B. MOTION: The VNC Board approves the adoption of the submitted draft reallocated budget. (Approved unanimously by Budget Committee 5/19/11) Exhibit I

C. MOTION: Pursuant to the reallocated budget, the VNC Board approves the expenditure of the following items over $300. These are items not previously approved in the budget:

1. $3000 for the 2011 Venice Community Barbecue.
2. $1620 for rental of storage space.
3. $325 for a booth at the Abbott Kinney Festival.
4. $450 for a new canopy.
5. $425 for meeting timer
6. $600 for table coverings for Board meetings.
7. $400 for board retreat

(Approved unanimously by Budget Committee 5-19-11)

D. MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council agrees to be a sponsor of the 2011 Neighborhood Council Congress in the amount of $250/$500/$1000. Exhibit J

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

11. New Business
[Discussion and possible action regarding the following matters]

A. Opposition to L.A. Park Foundation Plan for Park Signage (10 Minutes); Gail Rogers (gailee33@aol.com) Exhibit K

MOTION: The VNC opposes the L.A. Park Foundation’s plan to permit for-profit signage along Venice Beach’s Ocean Front Walk in return for donations to the Foundation.

12. Governmental Reports (15 min)

• U.S. Representative Office, Deputy Chief of Staff, Kate Anderson (310-643-3636; kate.anderson@mail.house.gov)
• State Assemblyperson Betsy Butler, Representative, Bobbi Buescher Bobbi.Buescher@asm.ca.gov
• Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa;Joseph Hari, West Area Representative (213)308-9212); Joseph.Hari@lacity.org)
• City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Cecilia Castillo, Field Deputy (310-568-8772; Cecilia.castillo@lacity.org); Arturo Pina, District Director, Arturo.Pina@lacity.org ;
• Westside Regional Alliance of Councils: Mike Newhouse, President (mnewhouse@newhouseseroussi.com); Alternate, Carolyn Rios;
• PlancheckLA: VNC Rep Challis Macpherson (Challis.Macpherson@Verizon.net)
• LA Dept of Water & Power/Memoranda of Understanding: VNC Rep DeDe Audet (daudet@ca.rr.com)
• LAPD Community Police Advisory Board: Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe, (hippisley@earthlink.net)
• LAAlliance of NC’s Representative: Ivan Spiegel, (parliamentarian@venicenc.org)

13. Scheduled Announcements (15 Minutes)

• President: Linda Lucks (president@venicenc.org)
1) Nominations open for one seat on the VNC Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC) to extend application term for LUPC members from May 24 to June 13, 2011.
http://venicenc.org/Apply (Application Online)
2) LA City Council voted to reduce NC funding by 10% and eliminate all roll over funds (VNC unspent but encumbered funds were protected)
3) Letter from President sent to US Postal Office – in time for 5.19.11 deadline for Public comment. Exhibit L
4) VNC Pothole Patrol on 5.14 attended by Mayor Villaraigosa-Identify and send locations through the month of May: call 3-1-1 to report potholes; Or online at http://bss.lacity.org/request.htm.
• Vice President: Carolyn Rios (VP@venicenc.org)

• Clean Water (Wastewater) Program (10 minutes); Joann Moss (joann.moss@lacity.org)
The Bureau of Sanitation to share how the Clean Water (Wastewater) Program is working for you, discuss how we hope to do more, and receive your input and comments.

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[20 min, no more than 1 minute per person – no board member announcements permitted

14. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction.
[10 min, no more than 1 minute per person]

15. Adjourn (approx. 10:00PM)

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