The 1.6 million dollar shore erosion project at the Venice Breakwater is now officially underway. Slated to start in November, the project was delayed as crews had a hard time pinpointing the route of the storm runoff drain that runs from OFW to the Breakwater. It was necessary to locate the drain so that a protective metal plate (seen below) could be placed over it to serve as a bridge for the heavy construction vehicles that will travel over it.
The sand relocation project will fill in a “dip” which has been created south of the breakwater and north of the main lifeguard tower. The project calls for moving 30,100 cubic yards of sand from north of the Breakwater to do so. In layman’s terms, that means they will add about two feet of sand to the green area seen in these pictures.
As far as this project and it’s effect on the Venice Breakwater Surf? The construction foreman said that the sand will taper off in a 10:1 grade in the areas shown in yellow. The sand placement is not expected to change the surf at the Breakwater.
Now that construction is underway, sunbathers will not be permitted in the construction areas, but surfers going to and from the water are allowed and there will be flagmen to give them safe passage in affected areas.