On Saturday, September 11, from 9 am to 3 pm the Venice – Abbot Kinney Library will have their September book sale. The library promises “books galore! Great bargains! Hardback and Paperback Books! Children’s Books! Cookbooks! Fiction, Non-fiction! Biographies!”
Big thanks to Bobby and the Venice Originals Crew, Sid W. and others that showed up to help the ladies set up today! Sid says there is an awesome selection of new hard cover books that will be $1 each, and that “one of the nice ladies said she loved the Venice book sale because after every sale the IQ of Venice goes up by about 15 % or more! Get out there and read people!”
Support your local library, it is a great asset to the community! Also check out their new website by clicking here. They have a whole bunch of new DVD’s in stock you can check out!
Venice – Abbot Kinney Library
Jon David Waldron Community Room
501 South Venice Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291