The Venice Surf and Skateboard Association will meet tonight at The Hotel Erwin starting at 5:30 in “The Loft”. The next scheduled meeting is August 18th, 2010.
If you are unaware of The Venice Surf and Skateboard Association, Skateboard California has a nice video they released this week that includes interviews with VSA members. Their tireless work for the community is worth supporting and you can find out how to do so by clicking here.
On the agenda for this evening:
1. Welcome/ introductions/ New Participants
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Public Comment/ Community Requests (2 min per speaker)
4. Old Business- EcoFest
5. Board Member Reports / Sub-Committee Reports:
a. Treasurer’s report
b. Jesse Martinez
c. Lance Lemond
d. Lauren Seagrave
e. Steve Mayorga
6. New Business: Racing Sun Pictures
7. Public Announcements
Erwin Hotel Venice Beach
1697 Pacific Ave
Venice 90291
(310) 452-1111