Thanks to Jim Smith of The Venice Beachhead for letting us know that there are fliers being posted that appear to have been printed by Yo! Venice! regarding the recent robberies here in Venice. While we embrace any support we get from the community helping get the news posted here out to everyone, the wording “See the evidence:” makes this seem a bit like a marketing tool for our site … and we were in no way shape or form aware of the creation of it, nor do we know who created these fliers.
As far as “evidence” goes, there is simply the acknowledgement by the LAPD that they are aware that there has been a severe increase in robberies here in Venice over the last month, which can be read about here and here.
To whomever posted the fliers, maybe next time you can change it to “Join the Discussion related to this at” and add that you are not affiliated to us or something at the bottom so people don’t think we are taking the misfortune of people and trying to use it for our own gain by putting fliers on poles with a link to our site. Thanks!