We are getting pretty excited for the Venice Beach Concert Series that is being organized by Micky Schuman. Micky, who can always be found walking around Washington Blvd is planing some great stuff for the community.
It seems everything is set to go, but we have heard from our pals at Venice the Menace that the two most vocal opponents to the series are Anjelica Huston and her husband Robert Graham, who live near where the concerts are to be held. We are hoping that these two artists aren’t trying to stop the concerts from happening as any true artist should be supportive of the arts, not try and have them squashed. Were any of our readers at the Council meetings that Huston and Graham spoke at? We would love to hear if what we have heard is in fact true.
I was and the Venice NC meeting when Angelica Huston spoke. She characterized the area at the end of Windward as overrun with noise pollution, and objected to the concerts. She closed by saying that if the noise gets any worse, she will be forced to leave the community.
This seems to be a continuing problem for her. From what I understand she has also filed many complaints against the Townhouse and other establishments as well.
I don’t understand why someone would move to the middle of a busy and noisy commercial / beach district and then complain about the noise. This type of activity has been going on in Venice for much longer than she has been in the neighborhood and I’m sure it was a big part of why her artist husband chose to move here in the first place. Unfortunately, once people get older they have less patience for these types of activities.
San Francisco had the same problem when people started building “lofts” in the South of Market area right in the middle of late night clubs and bars. Once people moved into their expensive condos they got sick of the people and noise and tried to shut down or limit the clubs. Fortunately for SF the artist/music community fought back and had a “Late night entertainment zone” created. Not sure where they stand with that now but maybe something like that should be considered for Venice.
If they really want peace and quite they should move further back onto a walkstreet or down onto the Marina peninsula or how about Santa Monica etc.
IMO – Let her leave. We shouldn’t have to make compromises because she and her husband chose to live in the busiest part of Venice. We don’t need celebrity residents that badly, do we?
I was always surprised that they chose to live on Windward anyway. It’s not exactly private or quiet. What were they thinking? And what is she thinking now – that the threat of her leaving the community is reason to change the whole dynamic of that area?
It seems an absurd place to live, for a celebrity or anyone for that matter.
Their fortress across from the Townhouse invites you to basically “f**k off”, which is totally counter to the Venice vibe. I say let them leave, develop the parking lot next to them, and improve the pedestrian friendliness and activity on Winward.
They made a monster fortress and now they want to make the neighborhood around them worship at their feet. What kind of idiot moves to a mainly commercial street and then tries to quiet the neighborhood down? They rant and rave about the townhouse and now the concerts because they are crazy enough not to realize they live on a commercial street!!!! The neighborhood needs and wants the townhouse and a music series way more than it needs those two.
You KNOW the next thing that is going to happen is that new condo on Washington is going to fill up with people that want Baja Cantina to close their outdoor area past 9pm.
Don’t move to a commercial zone and try and quiet everything down!!!!!
+1000, oh no!?!?! she may leave….?! I’m sure we’ll all be devastated by that. I loved winward before she got there, and i’ll love it long after she’s gone.