The ongoing battle over overnight parking restrictions in Venice continues with an online petition calling upon Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl and the Los Angeles City Department of Transportation to continue forward with establishing restrictions now that the City Attorney has seemingly opinioned that the city does not require coastal development permits to set-up overnight resident-only parking restrictions here in Venice.
The petition can be found online by clicking here.
From The Venice Stakeholders Association:
Petition for the Immediate Implementation of Overnight Parking Restrictions in Venice
Whereas, the Venice Neighborhood Council initiated and has consistently supported the establishment of overnight parking districts (OPDs) in Venice; and,
Whereas, the City of Los Angeles has approved ordinances establishing four overnight parking districts in Venice west of Lincoln Boulevard and one in Del Rey wherein residents on over 45 block segments have petitioned by a 2/3rds majority for the implementation of resident-only restricted parking from 2 AM to 6 AM; and,
Whereas, Venice stakeholders voted on February 21, 2009, by a vote of 891 to 608 to affirm the right of residents to establish restricted overnight parking where 2/3rds of the residents of any block petition for such restrictions; and,
Whereas, the Los Angeles City Attorney opined on October 23, 2009, that the California Coastal Commission does not have jurisdiction over parking restrictions imposed by the City of Los Angeles’ creation of overnight parking districts in the Venice area of the City of Los Angeles; that the City of Los Angeles is not obligated to obtain or issue a local coastal development permit in connection with the adoption of any OPD; and that the City of Los Angeles is not required to obtain coastal development permits directly from the Coastal Commission in connection with the adoption of the OPDs;
Now, therefore, the undersigned residents call upon Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl and the Los Angeles City Department of Transportation to immediately implement, consistent with the City’s legal stance and the popular will of the constituency, resident-only overnight parking restrictions on those block segments where 2/3rds of residents have submitted City-approved petitions for such restrictions and to issue permits to residents in these restricted areas and, further, to allow residents of other block segments to circulate petitions to obtain the 2/3rds signatures for their areas to secure overnight restrictions as desired.