by Rachel Monique Maskell
Even the phrase is catchy
and the way the lyrics get stuck in my head.
Playing over and over again.
Like the stories of my past.
Just when you think it’s gone
a moment triggers
and it goes on and on.
Once it’s there it can never be undone.
The trick is not to fight it
but to go with it.
To sing it out loud and admit it.
Yes, I know the tune
but I sing It
not the other way round.
I hear it playing from
passing cars so I shout
out the words and let it
be known.
I got this girl.
I can handle the beat
and the tone.
This is my song now.
It’s my story to own.
Rachel Monique Maskell is a Venice-based artist and poet. She creates collage pieces inspired by local street art. Follow her on Instagram @RachelMoniqueMaskell