From Brady Walker:
The 3rd Annual Venice Beach Surf & Skate Fest will be held on Saturday May 17th at the Venice Farmer’s Market Lot at 2150 Dell Ave. Venice, CA.
In addition to a number of surf & skate related businesses, there will be almost twice as many swappers showing their vintage and modern wares.
Aviator Nation plans on holding a skate demo area, and the crowds will get in the spirit at the beer garden hosted by Pabst Blue Ribbon, Sailor Jerry & Venice Beach Beer Company.
Our local tuna outlet Poke Poke will be serving up amazing fish and the Dang Brothers pizza truck will be firing fresh pizzas.
Musical acts include Street Smart, Closeout, Chum, Gods of Macho and Flyin Lion.
A charity raffle will be held throughout the day to benefit Beyond Baroque and Sea Shepherd. The event was helped greatly from our friends at Pacific Traffic Control, Ohana Alliance, Athrone and Fox Studios.
Special thanks to our local media outlets Venice Paparazzi and YoVenice. This year’s event will be dedicated to our good friend, Bret, founder of YoVenice. Bret was amazing Venetian who passed away not long ago after a valiant battle with cancer.
The VBSSF is the brainchild of Brady Walker, who thanks all of those who have helped to make this event happen for a third year!
The event starts at 11am! Get there early for the best deals and stay all day for the entertainment and camaraderie.
Contact: Brady Walker 310-980-7129