The SPARC Gallery at 685 Venice will host an opening reception for “Voices Behind the Wall: Photo, Art and Spoken Word by Youth at Probation Camp David Gonzales” this Friday from 6 to 9pm. The exhibit will be up until Friday, August 3.
Voices Behind the Wall is a photo, art, and spoken word exhibit by youth in the probation system at Camp David Gonzales. Youth in this probation camp, located in Calabasas, take part in arts and education classes within the New Roads for New Visions program. Working alongside professional artists, incarcerated minors develop skills in photography, digital media, writing, and the visual arts. This exhibit represents multiple years of work by minors and seeks to present insight to life behind the walls one of Los Angeles County’s probation camps.
New Roads for New Visions uses academic, creative arts and pro-social education to help juvenile justice involved youth achieve their career goals and realize their full human potential. The program is unique in that it is one of the only programs working within a county facility. This exhibit marks the 10 year anniversary of the program.
SPARC Gallery
685 Venice Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291