This weekend will be sunny with highs around 72°. As it is “spring break” and Easter weekend, there will be a “Severe Risk” of Tourist Visitations expected in Venice.
Residents are advised to do all of their grocery shopping by 4pm today or 10 am at the latest on Saturday. Fellini Ralphs on Lincoln has ham for 88 cents a pound, steaks are all 50% off and Heinekin and Corona are $12 for 12. Check all their specials out here.
Access for beer and wine runs to local corner stores by foot, skateboard or bicycle is expected to remain open and safe, but larger than normal checkout lines are expected.
Residents are advised to secure parking by 10am Saturday at the latest, with “I ain’t movin’ that” precautions taken until 6 pm Sunday.
If you would like a “Resident Advisory” T-Shirt (without the Yo! logo), you can go pick one up at The Ave on Windward.