After you read this post, do yourself a favor and get your digital camera or cel phone out and take pictures of your bicycle and the serial number on it. The sad thing is, more often than not people don’t know the serial number of their bike when it gets stolen. If you have good pictures and your bike gets stolen, you can post them in the forums here as well as giving them to the LAPD.
If you really want to help the LAPD out, take a Dremel and put your name and phone number on the bottom bracket of your bicycle … it is the first place the cops look! In fact, if any business around town wants to buy a Dremel and let Yo! Venice! readers use it for free to do this, I’ll put up a free ad for your business on Yo Venice for the summer. Anyway …
From always helpful Detective Serna at the LAPD: “We arrested three different bike thieves last week and still had six bikes stolen this week. We are working daily on this crime problem, but we need the community to help too.”
The Los Angeles Police Department’s Pacific Area has implemented several crime fighting strategies to reduce crime in the area and to apprehend suspects. Additionally, we want to work in partnership with the business and residential community to implement efforts to further reduce the likelihood of bicycle thefts, as well as all thefts in your community.
Below is a list of suggestions to help reduce bicycle thefts, other crimes, and maintain awareness.
Things to do to secure your bicycle:
• Record the serial number and model number of your bike, as well as keeping a photograph of the bike
• Invest in a quality bike lock
• Lock and secure your bike at all times when not in use
• Secure your bike in your home or garage rather than in your yard. If you have to keep your bike in your yard, you should still use a quality lock to secure it to a fixed location.
• If possible do not leave your bike where it is visible to the public
• When parking your bike in a public place be sure to properly secure it to a fixed location
• If possible keep the bike within your view
• If possible take the front tire with you
• Do not leave your bike unattended or unlocked even if it’s, “just a minute”
Things to do to get involved:
• Log on to
• Join a neighborhood watch group
• Get to know your neighbors and exchange telephone numbers (home and cell)
• If you see suspicious activity or a prowler call 877.ASK.LAPD, (877-275-5273)
• If you see someone steal a bike be a good witness and call 911
• Document vehicle descriptions especially license plates, and look for distinguishing marks or features
• Document suspect descriptions, hair & eye color, height and weight, clothing description including shoes and distinguishing features (e.g., Facial hair, tattoos, etc.)
[…] LAPD offers tips to keep your bike from getting stolen. A bill to ban cell phones and texting while biking advances in the state […]
[…] the rest here: LAPD Community Alert: Bicycle Thefts | Yo! Venice! var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname="LAPD Community Alert: Bicycle Thefts | […]
[…] LAPD Offers Tips to Keep Your Bike Safe from Thieves (Yo Venice) […]