I just got a call that was fun to get. My friend Mandie stumbled accross Yo! Venice today when there was a story on Splash News about Owen Wilson eating at Stroh’s Gourmet on Abbot Kinney. Mandie had guessed this was me writing here from a few photo clues. Way to go, Mandie! I think it is great that people are starting to find what Keri and I started here, even if it happens to be through some scumbag paparazzi people following nice people around our neighborhood.
PS Spash News: That isn’t a $750-a-day sober companion. It is a friend of Owen’s and he is a writer and Venice Local, just in case you wanted to know the truth of the matter.
FYI – yes that is a close friend of Owen’s for a long time – a regular at the Other Room and well known in the neighborhood – for his privacy I won’t reveal his name (or known nickname) but he is NOT a “sober companion” for Owen. Wish the paparazzi would leave our local celebs alone – AKB should be a paprazzi free zone….
Exactly 😀 … And do I know you from the Other Room? Hah!
Ummm…probably! LOL. I own a shop across the street – BTW I linked your awesome Blog on my store blog as well! 🙂