From The Venice Neighborhood Council:
The Mark Twain Middle School Bell Ringers will lead off the VNC Board Meeting on December 20th with their annual Holiday performance, starting at 6:45PM. The Bell Ringers annual performances have become a VNC tradition – and this year they are celebrating their invitation to perform at the 2012 Olympics in London! The program will start at 6:45PM at the VNC Board of Officers meeting in the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, in Venice.
A proposed Los Angeles City Ordinances with impact on Venice will be before the Board in December. A major revision to the City’s existing rules regulating signs will be presented. The revisions would cover city-wide signage reductions, regulations for digital signs and language allowing signs to be placed in City Parks and public facilities. The presentation will provide background and information on the proposed revisions; the VNC’s Board will discuss the ordinance and offer its recommendations at a later meeting.
In other business, the Board will hear a report on new rules governing vending on Ocean Front Walk; also on the agenda are suggestions from the VNC Post Office Task Force that could lead to designation of the Post Office Building as an “Historic Resource.” A motion asking LAUSD to maintain adult education funding will be considered.
In administrative matters, the VNC Board will select a new Vice-President and hear an announcement that will lead to additional changes in Board membership in February. The Board will also consider motions regarding Neighborhood Council elections, training for Board Members, and regional grievance procedures.
Snacks and coffee will be provided at the meeting.
A detailed agenda will be posted on the internet at and at posting places in the community.
There is no charge for this event. It is open to the public. Comments are encouraged. For additional information contact
What: Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Where: 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice CA 90291 (enter from Westminster)
When: Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Time: 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM