From The Venice Neighborhood Council Environmental Committee:
The Venice Neighborhood Council Environmental Committee meets the first Wednesday of every month. We will be meeting tonight Wednesday April 4 at 6:30 PM at the Electric Lodge at 1416 Electric Ave.
The Venice Neighborhood Council is to hear plans for the Great Observation Wheel on Venice Beach at the next Venice Neighborhood Council meeting which will take place April 18 in the auditorium of Westminster Avenue Elementary School at 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd. in Venice at 7 pm (please enter off of Westminster and Riviera).
The Environmental Committee has expressed great concern for a proposal for a letter of opposition in regards to the Great Observation Wheel addressing concerns of it’s environmental impact (an EIR report is not warranted on a “temporary project.” The wheel would be placed neat the other “temporary project” the giant “V” metal sculpture was supposed to be a temporary project).
The Environmental Committee needs a local solar company to speak about alternatives to their proposed diesel generators. We feel that solar panels can be installed on local businesses on Windward Ave or even municipal buildings such as the police station and handball courts which can be handled by LADWP.
The Venice Neighborhood Council has also assigned the Great Observation Wheel project to an ad hoc visitor impact committee that will be overseen by board member Amanda Seward.
A mock visual of the Great Observation Wheel can be seen by clicking here.
We hope to see you at both meetings!
Barbara Lonsdale
Venice Neighborhood Council
Environmental Committee Chair