Agenda: Confirmation Vote for New Venice Neighborhood Council Officers and Discussion of Street Furniture
The Venice Neighborhood Council will conduct a special election meeting on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 to confirm or replace Karen Wolfe and Cynthia Rogers as new Board Members. The two Community Officers were appointed by the Neighborhood Council’s Board of Directors at its November 18th Meeting; the confirmation vote is required by VNC Bylaws. The Board will also hear from applicants vying for appointment to a new board vacancy that opened in the last month; appointment to fill that vacancy will occur at the Board’s February meeting.
The VNC Board will discuss rescinding a motion made at a previous meeting that denies any proposed placement of “street furniture” in Venice (Street furniture includes Bus Shelters, Sidewalk Billboards, Toilets). Rescinding the motion would initiate review of street furniture placement requests required by LA City contracts and result in modest income to Venice. A formal vote on rescinding the previous motion will be taken at the VNC Board’s February meeting.
Other scheduled items for action include votes on six motions resulting from discussions with the City Council District 11 Regional Alliance of Neighborhood Councils. One motion requests that the LA City Council grant Neighborhood Councils the ability to appeal the decisions of other City agencies, an important right that is not currently available. Other motions ask the City to take action on gridlock, implement a moratorium on approval of billboards and signs and properly account for funds reserved by law for parking relief and parks on the West Side.
Snacks and coffee will be provided.
A detailed agenda will be posted on the internet at and at posting places in the community.
There is no charge for this event. It is open to all Venice stakeholders and public comments are encouraged.
What: Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Where: Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd (parking and auditorium entrance on Westminister, 1/2 block west of Abbot Kinney)
When: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Time: 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM
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