From the Venice Neighborhood Council:
The Venice Neighborhood Council is recruiting for two of its more prominent committees – and you may be the perfect fit for a position! The VNC’s Neighborhood Committee needs 9 people before it can begin operations in the new term that starts in December – and the Land Use and Planning Committee needs 8 people!
The Neighborhood Committee works on local issues – at the level of neighborhoods within Venice – that involve resident and/or business owners who need services from LA City government or the VNC. Sometimes the issue is a neighborhood problem such as repair and maintenance of canal bridges; sometimes the issue is more complex and global such as enforcement of city parking ordinances; sometimes the issue is communicating solutions or announcements to residents. The committee chair is Marc Saltzberg – if you are interested, please contact him by clicking here. You can find more information and an application for the Neighborhood Committee here.
The VNC’s Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC) considers land use questions and development applications in Venice and recommends action to the Venice Neighborhood Council Board (and through it, to LA City Planning and the Coastal Commission). LUPC members deal with developers, stakeholders and City staff to determine if development plans conform to City and State ordinance and planning guidelines. They assure that residents have an opportunity to provide input on the planned development and make recommendations to the VNC Board in the form of a report. Jake Kaufman is Chair of LUPC – he can be reached by clicking here . You can find more information and an application here.
Applications for either committee MUST be turned in prior to the start of the VNC Board meeting on December 18, 2012; if turned in prior to 10pm December 10th they will be made available for Board members to read before the meeting.
Your participation on either committee will help insure that the Venice Neighborhood Council remains a credible player in the City of Los Angeles. We have a great reputation now and have an influence on LA City policy and decision making that is recognized throughout city government. Please consider applying for membership – we’d love to have your enthusiasm and ideas to help build Venice! Look for your application and more information at
And if these committees don’t appeal to you – wait – there’s more coming – watch for our emails or e-mail and your inquiry will be directed as appropriate.