A long summer is ahead of us and the volunteers that make up The Venice Skateboard Association (VSA) could use community help in getting supplies to help maintain the skate park. Wonder why the skate park remains graffiti free? Thank the VSA. Wonder why a general sense of order exists in the mayhem that is the skate park? Thank the VSA.
Major items the VSA could use include items you may have sitting around your garage or business that you no longer need, but are still in working condition. The wish list includes a professional high pressure washer, a 10×10 or so tent, leaf blowers (to deal with the sand in the park), push brooms, commercial dust pans and a large drink cooler or two with wheels.
Smaller items you can pick up locally and drop off at the skate park include disposable cold packs, latex exam gloves, graffiti removal products, and snacks for the volunteers that staff the park during the day. Many of the snack and drink items you could just pick up at Costco and drive down to the park. I am sure the VSA members will help you carry your donations from your car to the park.
If your would like to help the VSA from the comfort of your home, they have set up a “wish list” of supplies on Amazon.com that you can purchase to help them out. Check out the list by clicking here.
[…] If you are unaware of The Venice Surf and Skateboard Association, Skateboard California has a nice video they released this week that includes interviews with VSA members. Their tireless work for the community is worth supporting and you can find out how to do so by clicking here. […]