LA Blogs Curbed LA and LAist have picked up on CJ Gronner’s latest Blogtown column “Venice – Where Art Meets Corporate Greed? Say No!“. Gronner’s article is also on the front page of the Free Venice Beachhead this month.
The Curbed article has quite a few comments on it:
“If Venice Italy can survive with tons of chain stores I am sure Venice California will do just fine too”
“So it’s bad when white people ruin other white people’s neighborhood. But it’s totally awesome and progressive when white people ruin non-white people’s neighborhood”
“Long Beach is the new old Venice of the 70’s and 80’s with the artist vibe, cheap rents both commercial and residential, and a beach area feel and unfortunately oncoming getrification”.
Heads up: if you think the comment sections on Yo! Venice! are full of “haters”, don’t read the comment sections on those sites – you may have a heart attack! The Yo! Venice! forums are quite tame (“pg-13”) compared to most comment sections on the internets.