After the new Venice Neighborhood Council Members are sworn in tomorrow night, they have a full agenda of items to hear!
VNC Board meeting agenda highlights include:
1. Congratulations to Venice Architect Isabelle Duvivier on being given a green award by the International Green Council for her Leed certified Venice home.
7A: Selection of 4 Community Officers to the Administrative Committee.
7B: Open nominations for selection of Land Use Planning Committee members: are due by the start of the VNC Board meeting on December 18, 2012.
7C: Open nominations for selection of Neighborhood Committee members: Applications for Neighborhood Committees are due by the start of the VNC Board meeting on December 18, 2012.
8A: MOTION: Be it resolved that the Venice Neighborhood Council requests that the City Council of the City of Los Angeles officially designate the City’s Department of Public Works to take responsibility for the Milwood Walk Street Neighborhood and so designate such responsibility on all City maps and documents, and This resolution shall be sent to City of Los Angeles District 11 City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, the Los Angeles City Council, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and the Los Angeles Board of Public Works.
8B: Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC)/ LUPC Proposed Infrastructure Motions
8C: MOTION: Resolved, the Venice Neighborhood Council shall work with the City’s Department of Recreations and Parks to develop Performance Based Budgeting Standards for Venice Beach Park and Budget Line Items that lead towards accomplishing those Performance Standards, and Such Standards and Budget Line Items shall be provided to the Mayor of Los Angeles and the City Council of Los Angeles in time for incorporation into the 2013-2014 City Budget
D: MOTION: Motion to have President Lucks work with Chair of LUPC to create a template deMinimus letter for projects that are no longer actively at issue before the City. It shall include language to effect that the VNC Board recognizes that the following projects were previously considered deMinimus by LUPC and were sent forwarded to Los Angeles City without comment from the VNC.
8E: All existing Ad hoc Committees are hereby renewed for a period of one month
9B: 2012 Santa Monica-Venice Christmas Run
10. Land Use and Planning:
A: 1647 S Crescent Place; “new Single Family Dwelling”
MOTION: The VNC Board supports the project as presented, per drawings dated 11/7/2012 noting:
a. this single family dwelling is not requesting a variance or an exception;
b. the applicant and architect reached out to their neighbors and the community, listened to their concerns and requests, and accommodated those requests for the home’s design, including mass, scale, articulation and sunlight impact;
c. the applicant had formal support from immediate neighbors;
d. the project complies with all codes within the Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan;THE
Motion made by Jake Kaufman, seconded by John Reed PASSED LUPC BY 7-0
B: 37 Washington Blvd; “Simmzy’s”. Documents are here.
MOTION : The VNC supports the project as presenting, noting 29 full conditions in LUPC Staff Report Findings, highlighted by:
a. No Change of Use;
b. House from 9a-11p Sun-Thursday and 9a-12 Midnight Friday & Saturday;
c. Loading and Trash hours from 10a-3pm;
d. Limiting noise, in particular in the back alley;
e. Type 41 CUB (beer and wine, on-site only);
f. No use of roof top;
g. Front bi-fold doors to be closed outside of business hours and closed by 9pm Sunday-Thursday and 10pm Friday and Saturday.
Motion made by Jake Kaufman, Seconded by Steve Traeger PASSED LUPC 8-0
C: 2524 S. Pacific Avenue; Small Take Out Deli
MOTION : The VNC supports the project as presenting, including all 36 conditions in LUPC Staff Report Findings, noting:
a. Overwhelming Community Support,
b. Hours of operation from 730a-9p daily (rear patio to close by 7pm);
c. Encourages a walk friendly community and will install bike racks on-site;
d. Loading after 9am and before 3pm only;
e. Off site sale of beer and wine only, no sales of alcohol under $5 and no singles.
Motion made by Jake Kaufman, Seconded by Steve Traeger, PASSED 7-1
D: 1429 S. Abbot Kinney; “Gjelinas”; Change of Conditions/Seating
MOTION : The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends supporting the project as presented, noting:
• Hours of Operation of M-Su – 6a to 1a
• CUB is a change from beer and wine to full alcohol
• Seating Indoor 68 and Outdoor Patio 40
• Confirmation that the City has determined the space has grandfathered parking
of 6 BIZ, 20 other; Total 26 spaces
• Total Sq ft – 4775 and Total SFA of 1,140.
• No variance or exception granted from VCZSP
• All standard CUB and BMP conditions apply
All reasonable efforts should be made to create 3 physical parking spaces and if
shown to be infeasible, than in lieu fees may be paid within 1-year of Approval
• Plan Approval in 5 years or upon change of ownership.
Motion made by Sarah Dennison, seconded by John Reed LUPC Vote 7-0
11A: Creation of ad hoc Communications Committee : “The Ad Hoc Communications Committee will ensure accurate and timely communications with and information distribution to Venice stakeholders.”
11B: MOTION: The VNC Board supports the Board Of Neighborhood Commissioners’ motions to 1) increase the level of funding for DONE and 2)restore the yearly Neighborhood Council allocation to $50,000.
11C: Valet Parking: Motion: The VNC Board requests that the City Council postpone a vote to establish a valet parking operator permit program until such time that the Venice Neighborhood Council has an opportunity to study the proposed ordinance and place on an agenda for a vote. The proposed ordinance will, when enacted, create guidelines, rules and regulations affecting all areas of the City with serious issues with valet parking. Having found out about said ordinance only last week, and learning that only the community of Hollywood was consulted in creating the draft ordinance, the VNC asks for a full Council vote not earlier than March, 2013.
VNC Meeting: 11/27/2012 – 7:00pm. End: 11/27/2012 – 9:30pm
Click here to read the full agenda!
Westminster Elementary School Auditorium
1010 Abbot Kinney Boulevard
Venice, CA, 90291